Trendy Dianthus

The carnation is a beautiful flower which deserves special attention! The international growers, the Dutch Florist Association (VBW) and the online platform for florists Flower Factor join forces to spread the beauty and power of the Dianthus (carnation).

Interesting floral work can be created with a carnation. The excellent vase life makes the flower suitable for many purposes: as an eyecatcher in a bouquet or as a beautiful detail in an impressive object. The versatility of the carnation with its wide-ranging colour palette and surprisingly different shapes. Allow you to use carnations in contemporary floral designs.


Flower Factor shares innovative inspiration on our online platforms. By using and present the carnation in different ways we hope that you, like the florist, will experiment with this surprising flower! The inspiration with the beautiful carnation is presented to you by all carnation growers of Flower Auction Royal FloraHolland. The Promotion Group organises, in cooperation with the Dutch Florists, the Trendy Dianthus campaign.


The inspirational content shows you that a carnation bouquet or arrangement expresses exactly what you would like to say. Carnations are strong and unique: they make a difference. You can find a few examples of innovative and interesting carnation designs on this page.

Kanjerboeket carnation two bouquets smaller

Are you completely crazy about carnations and would you like to share your creation?
Join our Trendy Dianthus Facebook group. Inspire others and get inspired!


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